Blog Post 3

The Topic of my research is What is a Worldbuilding ? How does It work ? How to make a unique interesting world ? and the goal is to create a world that I can do whatever with, in this particular project I would like to illustrate it.

I would say that the idea of worldbuilding is anything but new, on one level or another it’s implemented into every single fiction book, it’s even implemented into our lives by companies, governments etc. Worldbuilding is a wide topic my area of interest, lies in the Fantasy books, video games, comics, animations and movies that’s the area I’m mostly interested in because of several reasons, First that’s my primary interests in life. Second one comes from my obsession with one quote from my favorite author Ursula Le Guin and it is so funny because I’m talking about I’m writing about for like 1000000th time because I really like it, this quote comes from a Forewords for her Earthsea cycle I believe it was written for the original Trilogy, the fun fact I haven’t found those words in English this quote is translated by me from Russian, I found in a copy from 1995 and it’s kinda crazy here it is:

“Time always brings changes, but our time is distinguished by particularly strong and rapid moral and mental transformations. Archetypes turn into ruthless millstones, the simplest things are incredibly complicated, for some reason chaos becomes attractive and even considered “elegant”, and generally accepted truths are the fruit of fiction or just the habits of individuals.

All this is disturbing . For, even experiencing the excitement of the absence of stagnation, of continuous changes, of the brilliance of electronic devices replacing each other, we still sometimes strive the soul for a certain constancy, for something unshakable, unchanging. We adore ancient legends precisely because of their immutability. Arthur sleeps forever on Avalon Island. Bilbo can travel “there and back”, but also “there” is always in the adorable familiar world: in the county Under the Mountain or the country Over the Hill. Don Quixote is still always ready to fight with windmills … So, people, in fact, tend to the realm of fantasy in search of stability, in search of unchanging ancient truths, clarity and simplicity.”


Ursula Le Guin

That quote answers the question why I am doing all of that, the primary reason is I believe that what makes good art is the ability for the artist to understand the time that one is born in and analyse and understand what it needs the most, the most vague example is Warhol he was born in the right time he understood it and made he’s thing and it was exactly what the time demanded from him. From this quote you can understand that I feel that we leave in absolute madness, with all of those terms like fluid world, fluid societies all of those things are overwhelming, people don’t understand anything deeply they just surging on the surface, it’s hard to find a stable ground to stand on if earthquake is everywhere, That is the reason why I like Fantasy an Worldbuilding it gives the stability and comfort that I need, that quote is saying in all the correct words I can’t imagine a proper way to talk about it, that is why I]it is my life long obsession with Worldbuilding it’s something that I can share and something that could help someone.

My case in particular is a bit crazy because I’m not a writer I’m visual artist and sometime it could hard to create worlds with only visual part, but a lot artists succeeded in that field by doing that here is the list of some of them that I like: Abe Yoshitishi, Asami Kojima, Eric Fortune, João Ruas,Albín Brunovsky, Carlos Schwabe

Abe Yoshitoshi
Asami Kohima
Eric Fortune
Joao Ruas
Albin Brunovsky
Carlos scwabe

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