Blog Post 7

Oooof yeah I kinda overestimated myself with the schedule I was going to finish everything in the middle of April, ohhh I was foolish suddenly all of the projects are thought out and all the work should start, and this slows the process a lot because I need to focus on a lot of different things, one good thing my project for Michal is an interactive map of my world which actually gives me a lot of work to do, I would need to illustrate the map, cities and landscapes which is a lot and what even makes it harder that I’m not that great at environment design, and the hardest part I would need to create a language for his project and it’s obviously connected to this research because it’s all parts of the same piece, and this extends my research for this project to something more. Overhaul I would say I’m 86 percent done which is great I would say that I stopped reading overhaul books about world building and started to focus on the details I watch a lot of videos on you tube maybe I would even create a playlist of my favorites for people who want to know more about worldbuilding I also currently reading a blog about worldbuilding from a writer named Auden Johnson he explains stuff really easily, so far I would say everything is great I would I just extend the time to do more. I don’t really know when I need to write several description of my world I don’t feel that this blog post is it maybe Jeana you don’t feel the same let me know !!!

Here’s one of the new illustrations Which is part of the “Gift of Magi” series.

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