Blog Post 9

I think for this grant I got everything glued together pretty well the budget and the time line are doing well.

Instead of only using Self Publishing Company I chose to use Kickstarter too because of some changes in budget I’m going to explain later, I want to run a little Kickstarter campaign only up to 2000$ which is not a lot and feel like I’m gonna get it, so for people who are going to donate the cost of the book which is 25$ or over are going to get one upon release and exclusive posters signed up by me, who is going to donate less are going to get only the posters, I think the campaign is going to go well because the people in fantasy community are kind of thirsty for new content and we would like to throw money at everyone who is doing something new. I think there is enough time to make everything together it won’t be a big book, and I’m not planning on selling a lot of copies so there is not much pleasure it’s a more of a passion project and a little investment in my art career.

Budget is doing great I would need some money for an editor and supplies to get everything started, this is the reason for Kickstarter campaign everything is kind of great.

I actually spent a lot of time figuring out the final design for the book cover it actually it took around 16 hours to only find the right colors for letters, the right font and the placement.bSi far everything is great, here is some examples of other covers.

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