Blog Post 11

  • The presentation, in my opinion, went alright I could’ve definitely done it better, but overhaul It was good, I’m proud of the cover that I did for the book I think It looks fantastic, the only thing people asked me about, and It was the only concern, it’s the Kickstarter campaign and despite people worrying about its success I’m actually really confident in its success, which does not happen all the time because I’m the person who likes to be ready for everything and thought out all of the ways, but I don’t know I just feel really confident about it, because it’s not a lot of money that I ask only 2000$, I mean it all depends on your place in life, but 2000$ it’s not a lot considering supplies, editor, pr, and unexpected expenses this money is gone.
  • Another thing that keeps me confident is that I really know the audience that I’m asking for donations, because I’m a part of that community, people who love Fantasy, video games, comics we are thirsty all the time for new content, I’m absolutely ready to throw money at someone who is creating something new and exciting.
  • This semester was a lot for me, but this class made the step over my pride and actually started thinking about, how to really making money from being an artist, especially the blog post n 5 about the presence of an artist in digital space, and despite me hating what a lot of progress did to art scene actually it’s important to be active on Instagram for example, overhaul start building my career and becoming a brand, that’s an important lesson I’ve learned.
  • My 3-year goal has changed drastically, because before it was not existing, and last semester I found my passion and it’s creating worlds, and be sure I’m just starting.

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