Week 1, 2 update Studio

First week was not really productive, because of the fact that I suddenly need to travel back to Russia and packing all of my things not just my suitcase everything all of my possessions, but I managed to start a drawing in week one.

Later on in week 2 I’ve finished the piece, i would say it’s a certain version of a painting that I did this summer and just a piece to help me get back into shape.

So I’ve ordered a bunch of art supplies and next week they’re are going to come so I would have. A lot paint, pigments, canvases, linoleum.

I’ve started to lay a foundation for next painting and experimenting with a new acrylic gel that I’ve actually forgot that I’ve bought a long time ago.

Also I bot some Linocut carving tool and found an old piece of linoleum and tried making something which was underwhelming and I would need to train my skill a lot more to make a piece of linocut artwork.

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