After 1st crit update

Materials and tools

Since I’ve wanted to try punch needle and linocut I’ve had to buy several things for them, and that’s when everything got kind of complicated.

Lino cut

So I’ve done it a bit in the past, and I was using other persons carving tools, and when I finally bought mine, they were snit, just dull useless tools, also the linoleum that I’ve had was the pieces that were left from our kitchen floor, an they were absolutely unsuitable for the craft, I somehow managed to carve the first letter of my s4cond name on it, after it I was done, I took the blades and tried to sharpen them on the sharpening stone, this led to their complete destruction, they are absolutely useless now, honestly I wasn’t really upset.

I started researching, and came across this semi affordable Russian brand of the carving tools, they’ve also had special lino blocks for the linocut, so I got them too, they will arrive tomorrow and we’ll see how it will go.

Punch needle

The biggest problem for me was finding the right fabrics for the craft, because different fabrics are needed for different sized needles and different thickness of the yarn, I even bought a book to better understand the depths of it, so first I tried to do everything with the bag cloth, didn’t work, the book arrived and I’ve finally understood everything and now I got everything and it works, the good hack is to paint a thin layer of glue on fabrics to thicken it, then it would be easier for yarn to stay in place.

Works :

Mostly paintings and some drawing experimentations

Figuring out a new style of painting.

Also after a talk with Cristina got really interested in creature designs, some attempts will be here.

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